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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Grain Marketing Webinar

Tuesday, March 19, 2019 - 11:00am to 1:00pm
Contact email:
Contact name:
Rory Lewandowski
Contact phone:

Grain markets can be volatile, and with tight crop profit margins, marketing becomes even more important. Do you want to do a better job of pricing your corn and soybeans? Is grain marketing a confusing and daunting task?

Ohio State University Extension is offering a two-session webinar focused on helping farmers become better grain marketers.  Participants will be able to watch the webinars from the comfort of their home or shop.  The webinars will allow participants to gain a better understanding of risk, improve knowledge of marketing tools, and learn how to develop written marketing plans.  A North Central Risk Management Education Grant provided some funding support for this program.   The webinars will be broadcast on Tuesday March 12 and Tuesday March 19 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on both dates.

Participants will learn to identify their personal risk tolerance and their farm’s financial risk capacity. Both of these are important in developing a successful grain-marketing plan. Participants will also learn how crop insurance products affect marketing decisions and risk capacity. Grain marketing consists of understanding and managing many pieces of information.  The webinars will cover various grain marketing contract options and terms including basis, hedging, cash, futures, and option contracts.  Additionally, participants will be provided an example of a grain-marketing plan that includes fundamental marketing principles.

Participants need to register on-line and the registration deadline is March 8.  Webinar program details as well as registration is available at Cost for the program is $30.00.