This will be our organizational meeting for the new year! All 4-H youth 13 and older (or those turning 13 by January 1, 2016) are welcome to join Junior Leaders. This is a fun organization for 4-H teens to get together and learn more about leadership and participate in team-building games and activities that can be taken back and shared with members in your home 4-H club.
During this month's meeting we will be having Pizza and refreshments and playing some fun games led by Advisor Barry Jolliff. We will also be electing officers for 2015-2016 and discussing ideas for activities we would like to do this year at the end of this month's meeting.
To Join Junior Leaders - simply attend a meeting and sign up or complete the Junior Leaders membership form to be added to our mailing list.
The advisors for Junior Leaders are 4-H Educator Doug Foxx, Elaine Koch, and Barry Jolliff.