CFAES Give Today
OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

May 6, 2015 - 11:03pm --

To exhibit a feeder calf at the fair, all 4-H and FFA members must turn in feeder calf ID forms by June 1 to the Extension office.

The calf ID form can be found online at: Members leasing a calf must also follow the leasing guidelines that are also available at

Wayne County supports the leasing of feeder calves for the purpose of teaching young people how to feed, fit, show and care for an animal.  For youth unable to have an actual calf for their feeder calf project, an option is to lease a calf from another individual. 

HOWEVER, visiting a calf once or twice in August so that a youth can exhibit/compete at the county fair IS NOT something that can be supported.