Again this year it will be mandatory FOR ALL Junior Fair livestock exhibitors (4-H and FFA) to attend a quality assurance program before showing their animals at the Wayne County or Ohio State Junior Fair. Exhibitors of market steers, market dairy steers, market lambs, market goats, market hogs, all poultry meat pens, and meat rabbits, lactating dairy and lactating dairy goats will also need to complete a Drug Use Notification Form (DUNF) for each of these animals. The quality assurance requirement may only be met by participating in ONE of the following: (1) Quality assurance program in Wayne County, or (2)An Ohio industry quality assurance training (e.g., Ohio Beef Expo, Ohio Pork Congress, etc.).
Participation in the skillathons is also mandatory for all exhibitors (4-H and FFA) of livestock projects who wish to exhibit their animals at the Wayne County Junior Fair. The skillathon may be completed only in Wayne County.
The Wayne County quality assurance and skillathon are combined into one program. These programs will be offered
●July 16th ●July 22nd ●July 28th
From 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Fisher Auditorium, OARDC
Members will need to attend one of those evenings to complete the quality assurance program and then the skillathon for each species of animal he/she is exhibiting. The skillathons will consist of four stations that cover quality assurance issues and one station on project records (five total).
• School appropriate attire is REQUIRED for Q/A and Skillathon participation.
• For 2015 there will be NO BONUS points given for any Skillathon station. Members receiving a 92 or higher on their Skillathon will be considered an Outstanding Skillathon participant.
• Participation in DairyPalooza or in a BEST beef quality assurance program will count as the member’s Quality Assurance training for the year. HOWEVER, the member must still complete Skillathon to have their project considered complete and be able to exhibit at the fair. ** If you participate in either of the two previously mentioned events please contact the extension office to receive a Quality Assurance pass.
Members participating in the Ohio State Fair with market goats or lactating dairy goats MUST participate in a quality assurance program prior to their State Fair participation. Contact our office to make arrangements.
The quality assurance program, combined with the skillathon will meet the Ohio Department of Agriculture quality assurance participation requirements. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in helping your 4-H or FFA members to reach this requirement. If you have any questions, call Stephen at 330-264-8722.
Skillathon Committee & Lead Facilitators listed below:
• Rhonda Oser, Beef
• Mike Kauffman, Dairy
• Bev Reed, Horse
• Jared Bardall, Poultry
• Mel Rehm, Goat
• Geoffrey Zimmerly, Sheep
• Dave Devore, Swine
• Renee Jackwood, Dogs
• Colleen Wagner, Rabbits