Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors,
Listed below are a few important reminders and upcoming events. Please click the links below for more details.
Livestock Judging and Meats Judging Teams Now Forming
4-H Open House - February 27th
2017 Wayne County Junior Fair Schedule Finalized
Next Junior Leaders Meeting is Monday March 6th
4-H Activity Fee Scholarship - Applications Due March 15th
4-H Camp Ohio Summer Employment Opportunities
Kelleys Island 4-H Camp Summer Employment Opportunities
Ohio 4-H Youth Poultry Clinic at Fisher Auditorium - March 25th (Registration due March 17th)
OSU Jr. Swine Day at ATI - March 25th (Registration due March 19th)
Ohio State Fair Band and Choir - Applications Due March 31st
Upcoming Agriculture / 4-H related Scholarship Applications and Deadlines:
Ohio Farm Bureau Foundation Scholarships - Due February 28th
Ohio Agricultural Council Scholarships - Due February 28th