Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors,
Thank you to everyone that helped make this year's Wayne County Fair a positive and successful experience for thousands of fairgoers, 4-H members, volunteers, and countless others. Your hard work and dedication throughout the year is what makes our fair truly one of the very best.
As we begin to plan for the 2017 Wayne County Fair and the upcoming 4-H year - we welcome your comments, thoughts, ideas, and constructive criticism. Please send your feedback in writing or attend the Junior Fair Suggestions meeting on October 17th at 6:00 pm in the Jr. Fair Office. In addition as we begin planning for next year it is critically important that we have dedicated volunteers to serve on our committees that work to plan and carry out the 4-H and Jr. Fair program. Please consider applying or nominating someone (18 and over) that you believe would be an asset to either the overall Extension 4-H Advisory Committee or one of the nine 4-H / Jr. Fair Action Committees.
Listed below are several important 4-H updates and reminders. Please click the headlines below for more details.
Poultry and Rabbit Meat Pick Up - Tonight Monday September 19th 5-7 pm at the Jr. Fair Office
TEAM Fair Clean Up Night - Tomorrow Evening - Tuesday September 20th 6-8 pm at the Jr. Fair Office. Everyone is invited - youth, parents, and advisors. We will be working together to clean up the fairgrounds. If possible - please bring shovels, brooms, and/or work gloves. Pizza and drinks will be served at 8 pm.
Market Livestock Buyer Thank You Notes - Due to Extension Office September 23rd (Note: you can look up online to find the name and address of your buyer, but all Thank You Notes must be turned in to the Extension Office before the livestock sale check will be mailed to the youth)
Organizational Advisors - Pick Up Premium Checks from the Jr. Fair Office - on September 26th and September 27th from 3-7 pm
Excellence in 4-H Award Applications - Due September 30th
County Award Medal Applications - Due September 30th
4-H / Jr. Fair Action Committee Applications / Nominations - Due September 30th
Extension 4-H Advisory Committee Applications / Nominations - Due September 30th
Meritorious Service Award Nominations - Due September 30th
Calling All 4-H Teens - Time to Join Junior Leaders - next meeting is Monday October 3rd