Anyone who works with agricultural taxes is invited to attend the agriculture and natural resources tax issues workshop that will be held on Monday, December 14. This workshop is provided in a webinar format and taught by Professor Phillip Harris from the University of Wisconsin, and who is nationally recognized for his expertise in this area. Continuing education credits for tax professionals are offered. Participants can choose to attend by going to a host location or by logging in to the webinar from their own home or office. The webinar program will begin at 9:00 am, take a one hour break for lunch, resume at 1:00 pm and conclude at 3:00 pm. For those attending a host location, registration and sign-in begins at 8:30 am.
The webinar is considered an intermediate level course and focuses on changes in tax laws and common tax issue concerns. Topics that will be covered during the webinar include: inherited property and income tax on farm transfers, section 179 expense deductions and bonus depreciation, repair regulations, farmer net investment income tax issues, commodity credit corporation loans, livestock transactions and more.
Wayne County is one of the host locations for this workshop and will offer the workshop in Fisher Auditorium on the OARDC campus in Wooster. The $130 registration fee includes the Agricultural Tax Issues Workbook, lunch and refreshments. In order to ensure that the Agricultural Tax Issues Workbook arrives in the mail by the workshop date, registration must be received by November 23. More information about the workshop along with an on-line registration form is available at: .
For more information and details contact Larry Gearhardt, OSU Extension Tax Specialist by phone at 614-309-8992 or by email at