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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

December 16, 2022 - 10:32am --

2023 OSU Beef Team Virtual Beef School - Wednesday Evenings, 6:30pm

Register at
Details about all winter beef programs at

January 11
Topic: Beef Inputs and Outlook
"A Look at Input Costs", hosted by Barry Ward, OSU Extension; and "Cattle Market Outlook", hosted by Garth Ruff, OSU Extension.

February 8
Topic: Managing Reproduction
"Presynchronization and Improving Fertility of Beef Cows", hosted by Alex Crist, OSU Animal Sciences; and "Synchronization and Natural Service", hosted by Dean Kreager, OSU Extension.

March 8
Topic: Herd Health Management and Update
"Asian Longhorn Tick and Theileria", hosted by Dr. Risa Pesepane, OSU Vet-Preventative Medicine; and "Managing Disease in 2023", hosted by Dr. Justin Kieffer DVM, OSU Animal Sciences.

April 12
Beef Team Live Roundtable
Ask questions and discuss answers with OSU Extension Beef Team members.

OSU 2023 Beef Team Virtual Beef School programming schedule


Ohio Beef Cattle Feeding School - February 6th

Hancock County 12:00-2:30pm - Hancock County OSU Extension office
Wayne County 6:00-8:30pm - OARDC Shisler Conference Center

$20 registration fee, meal provided. Please mail or drop off payment at Hancock or Wayne County Extension office.
For questions, contact Garth Ruff, Beef Cattle Field Specialist at 740-305-3201

This year's Cattle Feeding School will focus on adding value to the cattle feeding enterprise. Dr. Jerad Jaborek, Michigan State Beef Feedlot Specialist will discuss Marketing and Feeding Considerations for Dairy Beef and Beef x Dairy Cross Cattle.

Can we add value to beef manure? Eric Richer, Farm Management Field Specialist will be covering Compost an Fertilizer Potential for Pen Pack Beef Manure.

The third speaker of the evening will be Garth Ruff, Beef Cattle Field Specialist will talk Beef Market Outlook for 2023.

Ohio Beef Cattle Feeding School event flyer


Ohio Beef Cow/Calf Workshop - Optimizing Herd Fertility - Monday, February 20th, 9:00am-2:30pm,
Clemens Farms, Malta, Ohio.

Registration fee of $10 per person. RSVP to OSU Extension Morgan County (740-962-4854) by February 15th.
Limited to first 50 attendees. Lunch and materials provided. Dress for hands-on demonstrations.

Contact: Chris Penrose, OSU Extension Morgan County (740-962-4854) or Garth Ruff, OSU Extension Beef Cattle Field Specialist (740-305-3201).

Fertility and reproduction are the most important economic factors for a cow-calf operation. Retaining replacement females are a long-term investment and management of heifers is critical to longevity within a herd. Join OSU Extension in Morgan County to discuss and demonstrate the practices that you might apply on your farm to improve your operation with regards to optimizing fertility.
Topics include: Feed Sampling and Nutrient Analysis; Mineral Nutrition for Beef Cows; Heifer Development Strategies; Heifer Synchronization Options; Body Condition Scoring and Facilities Tour.

Ohio Beef Cow-Calf Workshop event flyer