Wayne County Extension will be a host location for the 2016 Beef School Webinar Series. The webinar series will be offered the evenings of January 19, February 2 and February 16. All sessions will begin at 7:00 pm and end around 9:00 pm. Sessions will be held in the commissioner’s meeting room in the Wayne County Administration building.
On January 19, Dr. Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist, will kick off the program with his insight into the beef cattle markets . . . where they’ve been, where they may be going, and how they will get there. Peel will discuss the factors that have pressured the market and suggest if and when they will subside, and to what level they might recover. Sam Roberts of Producers Livestock will also join the broadcast and offer suggestions on market risk management and capturing profitable pricing opportunities in the coming year.
On February 2, members of the OSU Extension Beef Team will provide a fast paced look at a variety of profit centered concepts including calving windows, genetic choices, breeding management, crossbreeding and economic traits that will be the most meaningful in coming years.
On February 16 Dr. Lyda Garcia, Assistant Professor of Meat Sciences at Ohio State University, will discuss enhancing end product values from a live animal view point.
Pre-registration is requested to attend the beef school. The cost is $15/participant and this includes handout materials and light refreshments. Pre-register to the Wayne County Extension office at 330-264-8722 by Tuesday, January 12.