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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

May 1, 2018 - 4:11pm -- Anonymous

Dairy MPP Meeting Scheduled

The 2018 Bipartisan Budget Act contained provisions for a revised dairy margin protection program (MPP).   Dairy producers now have the opportunity to sign up to participate in what some are calling Dairy MPP 2.0.   The enrollment period is currently open and the sign up deadline is June 1.  In order to help dairy producers understand the changes to the dairy MPP program and provide them with information and tools to make a decision about participation in the program, the Wayne County Farm Service Agency and Wayne County Extension have scheduled a dairy MPP meeting for Wednesday, May 2.  The meeting will take place in the commissioners meeting room in the county administration building beginning at 1:00 pm and should conclude by 2:30 pm.

The biggest changes to the MPP are an increase in tier 1 milk production coverage from four million to five million pounds, greatly reduced premium payments for that tier 1 coverage, and indemnity calculations that are made and paid (when margin payments are triggered) each month.  Meeting participants will receive detailed explanations of those program changes, along with sign up procedures and details.  The MPP decision tool will be demonstrated with various production level examples.   The goal is that producers will be able to use the on-line MPP decision tool to run coverage scenarios for their farm to aid them in making a program participation decision.

For more information about the meeting, contact the Wayne County FSA office at 330-262-1911.