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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

March 27, 2018 - 8:00am -- Anonymous

It is spring in Ohio and I know we are all looking forward to warmer weather and getting outside.  It’s also a time to look at the foods we are preparing and maybe make some changes so that we can all be a little healthier.  If you have special dietary needs like being a diabetic, the following information might be especially important to you.  You can learn from the comfort of your own home by checking out:

Dining with Diabetes: Beyond the Kitchen is a FREE online course created by OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences. This online course goes “beyond the kitchen” to discuss making healthy choices when eating at restaurants, grocery shopping or planning weekly meals.

The online course includes three-modules with:

  • Videos
  • Interactive presentation
  • Fact sheets and resources
  • Short surveys to test knowledge
  • An open forum to share ideas, questions and tips with other course participants
  • Access to websites and apps that help manage diabetes

Participants can expect to learn:

  • How important blood sugar and carbohydrates are for managing diabetes.
  • How fats and sodium affect a healthy diet.
  • The role vitamins, minerals and fiber play in a healthy diet.
  • How to make healthy food choices when eating out and grocery shopping.

After completion of the online course, participants receive a printable certificate and are automatically entered in a quarterly drawling for a $100 gift card.

Sign-up is easy and free. Visit and click “buy now” (cost is $0.00 free). The course will be added to your account and you can check out at no cost. You will need to create an account with to take advantage of all the on-line materials.

Course instructions for Dining with Diabetes: Beyond the Kitchen are Cheryl Barber-Spires, Barb Hennard, Shawna Hite, Dan Remley and Suzan Zies. For questions or more information, Dan Remley at remley.4@osu

If you are looking for more easy, low cost recipes, check out our website

Everything from beverages to desserts are featured for you to review and see what variety your family may enjoy.   And as we look forward to spring activity, we have a spring wellness challenge that’s just starting and runs through May 21.  Two weekly e-mails will be sent directly to you from Victoria Birk in our office.  During this time you will learn about Your Super Strengths, Super foods, Healthy Ways to Slay the Villains that Distract You, Tips of Adding Activity into your Routine, Refocus on Your Wellness Goals, Mindfulness, Power Fitness Focus and Overcoming Setbacks.  This educational opportunity costs you nothing and any adult with an email account may participate.  To sign up, go to

If you would like to promote it at your worksite, call Victoria Birk 330-264-8722 and work out the details with her.

Melinda Hill is an OSU Extension Family & Consumer Sciences educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722.