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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

October 16, 2018 - 8:01am -- Anonymous

A horse forage management series focusing on the renovation and care of pastures and hayfields will be held at the Ohio State University ATI Equine Center located at 3339 Apple Creek Rd on the evenings of November 6, 7 and 8.  The program will run from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm each evening.  Instructors include Bob Hendershot, retired State Grasslands Specialist and Sara Mastellar, Ohio State University ATI Equine Faculty.  Topics that will be covered include Soil Fertility, Understanding Plant Growth, Forage Species Selection, Equine Nutrition, Pasture Management and Design, Poisonous Plants, and Hay Quality and Storage.  One of the evenings will include an on-site farm visit and pasture walk.

The cost of the series is $40 per farm/organization/family and includes a copy of the Pasture for Horses notebook.  Pre-registration is required.  RSVP by October 30 to Sara Mastellar by phone at 330-287-1318 or by email at