Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a systems approach to managing weed, insect and disease pests in crops. The goal is correct identification of pests, early detection of pest problems that allows consideration of a broad range of control/management options including chemical, biological, cultural and mechanical. Regular and systematic scouting is a key component of IPM, along with the use of economic treatment thresholds to provide timely and cost effective control.
Wayne County Extension offers an IPM scouting program that requires grower enrollment and charges a fee based on acres and crops enrolled. IPM scouts visit enrolled fields weekly and provide a scouting report detailing weed, insect and disease pests present and whether those pests are at a treatment threshold. Pest management and control options for specific pest problems are provided with the weekly scouting reports.
Growers who have participated in the program have indicated in program evaluations that they have saved money in terms of pesticide expense and reduced crop losses to pests as a result of using the scouting program. More timely application of pesticides as well as reduced pesticide use have been other benefits cited by growers in end of year evaluation surveys.
The Wayne County Extension IPM scouting program is now accepting grower enrollment for the 2019 growing season. The IPM scouting program includes agronomic crops of corn, soybeans and alfalfa, commercial vegetable crops, orchard tree fruit crops, and small fruit crops such as strawberries, brambles and blueberries. The grower enrollment deadline is February 28 to the Wayne County Extension office. More information about the IPM scouting program including the fee schedule and enrollment forms is available on the Wayne County Extension web site at, then click on the IPM heading in the left-hand column. Interested persons can also contact: Christine Smedley, IPM Program Assistant at 330-264-8722 or by email at
Rory Lewandowski is an OSU Extension Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722.
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