2024 Wayne County Legacy Dinner is around the corner!
Where has the time gone? It seems to be just flying by. But here at the OSU Extension Office the 4-H Staff and volunteers have been busy coordinating the 2024 Wayne County 4-H Legacy Dinner, that we are excited to bring you on March 21, 2024. This will be the seventh Legacy Dinner for our Wayne County 4-H program. The event will be held at the Shisler Conference Center on OSU Wooster Campus, starting with a cocktail reception at 5:30pm sponsored by Troutman Vineyards. Dinner will be served promptly at 6:30pm sponsored by Certified Angus Beef LLC and Gerber Poultry, and coordinated by Exclusively Yours Catering professionals. The tables will be decorated with decorations from Country Daisy’s.
Auction items: Beef, hog, Hocking Hills stay, grand stand event
We will be enjoying an evening of fun and good conversations with fellow 4-H Volunteers, Wayne County Agriculture Society Members, 4-H Committee Members, and many more life-long sponsors of our program. There will be a short presentation along with a live auction. Jed Acker with Acker Auction Services has volunteered to be our auctioneer. The following are some of the items that will be auctioned off that evening, including a ½ a beef and a ½ hog donated by Canaan Meats. We also have a Hocking Hills weekend getaway that includes a 3 day, 2 night stay in the Aquarius Cabin sponsored by Hocking Hills. The Wayne County Agricultural Society members have graciously donated a package of 4 tickets to a Grandstand Event during the 2024 Wayne County Fair. And, as always, there will be an opportunity to sponsor youth members to be able to attend Jr. Camp via Scholarships. There will also be Silent Auction Baskets to bid on during our cocktail hour sponsored by our 4-H Clubs.
This program is essential for our 4-H program here in Wayne County. With the money raised at this event throughout the years we have been able to send our Junior Fair Board Members to state camps around the country. We have been providing the opportunity for our county youth to attend and be a part of the Ashland – Wayne Jr Camp on June 30-July 3, 2024, and our Livestock Judging Team has attended events across the country. All these opportunities, and more, are available to our 4-H youth and Junior Fair Board members with funds raised from this event.
Since my time as the 4-H Program Assistant I have learned many things about this county. Something that has stuck out to me is the dedication this county has for their 4-H program. I feel truly blessed to be a part of this program and being able to walk alongside of all of volunteers, committee members, and senior fair board members collaborating and coordinating the 4-H program. I see so many of you have dedicated your time and have made 4-H a lifestyle for your families. I look forward to seeing our guests at the 2024 Wayne County 4-H Legacy Dinner on March 21, 2024 at Shisler Conference Center.
Diane Johnson is program assistant, 4-H Youth Development, for Wayne County Extension. She can be reached at johnson.9505@osu.edu or 330-264-8722
This article was previously published in The Daily Record.