Dear 4-H members, parents, & advisors / volunteers:
Spring is finally here and 4-H season is in full swing! It is exciting to have enrollment forms turned in and clubs up and running with meetings and planning their activities for 2015. In addition, our office has been busy training camp counselors; working with Jr. Leaders, Jr. Fair Board and Food and Fashion Board and beginning to wrap up our character counts program for this year. We are also now gearing up for all of our spring and summer activities. These are just a few of the many things going on that help make 4-H in Wayne County the strong and vibrant program that it is.
Before I close, I would like to thank all of the volunteers that helped make our new 4-H Project Fair and Open House held this past month a success! Also, I would like to say a special thank you to everyone that supported our 4-H Junior Leaders Club by dining to donate at Bob Evans last month.
The full version of the April Link Newsletter is available to download as a PDF.
Best wishes,
Douglas S. Foxx
Extension Educator,
4-H Youth Development