Anyone with an interest in sheep or goat production should plan to attend the Buckeye Shepherds Symposium (BSS) scheduled for December 12 at the Shisler Conference Center on the OARDC campus in Wooster. This year’s program includes topics that will benefit both new and beginning shepherds as well as experienced shepherds. The 2015 Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposiums theme is “Profitability, Productivity, Nutrition, and Sheep Farm Succession Planning Principles”. The symposium will concentrate on several topics related to the success of the sheep operation both now and in the future.
In order to increase the educational impact, the BSS is offering an optional Friday December 11 afternoon session from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm in addition to the all-day program on Saturday, December 12. The Friday Dec. 11 afternoon portion of the event will include a “Productivity and Profitability Workshop” with Dr. Richard Ehrhardt, Michigan State University Small Ruminant Specialist and Dr. Robert Leder, Large Animal Veterinarian and Sheep Farmer, Bear Creek Sheep Station, Wisconsin. This session will be held at Fisher Auditorium. The Saturday December 12 program will be held at the Shisler Conference Center. Registration is open at 7:30 am and educational sessions will conclude at 3:30 pm. Both Fisher Auditorium and Shisler Conference Center are located at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691.
The Saturday symposium program will begin with a keynote address entitled “Status and Major Issues of the American Sheep Industry”, presented by Burton Pfliger, president of the American Sheep Industry (ASI). Primary speakers for the Saturday program will include Dr. Richard Ehrhardt, Michigan State University Small Ruminant Specialist; Dr. Robert Leder, Large Animal Veterinarian and Sheep Farmer, Bear Creek Sheep Station, Wisconsin; Dr. Kevin Burgoon, Honor Show Chow Nutritionist, Purina Animal Nutrition; Peggy Kirk Hall, Asst. Professor, Agricultural and Resource Law; David Marrison, Ashtabula County ANR Extension Educator; and Robert Moore, Agricultural Attorney, Wright and Moore Law Firm, Columbus.
Topics that will be addressed at the BSS include:
- Key Concepts in Improving Lambs Marketed Per Ewe
- Designing a Sheep Enterprise Based on Available Resources
- Increasing Productivity of the Ewe Flock to Produce Top Quality Lambs
- Improving Lamb Growth
- Estate Planning: Legal Issues and Strategies
- Sheep Farm Transition Planning
Back by popular demand, participants will enjoy a wonderful lamb shank lunch, served by the OSU Meat Science Club, with the remainder of the meal catered by Das Essen House out of Shreve. Lunch will be followed by an awards program to present the Charles Boyles Master Shepherd Award, Distinguished Service Awards, and the Friend of the Ohio Sheep Industry awards. Youth recognition will be given to the state FFA sheep proficiency award winner, state 4-H sheep award winner and Ralph Grimshaw Memorial Scholarship winners.
Although registrations are accepted the day of the event, pre-registration is requested to help with meal planning and event handout materials. For more detailed information about the 2015 Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium including a complete agenda for Saturday’s program, program cost and registration form, and a 2015 Ohio Sheep Improvement Association (OSIA) membership form, visit the Wayne County Extension web site at: , then click on the “Buckeye Shepherds Symposium” heading in the left-hand column; or contact the Wayne County Extension office at 330-264-8722.