View a PDF of the full March Link Newsletter
Dear 4-H members, parents, and advisors / volunteers,
Thank you to everyone that attended one of our February Required Advisor / Volunteer Training events. We really enjoyed getting to see you and hope that you gained some useful information to help you be successful as a 4-H advisor and volunteer this year.
Coming up on Saturday March 21st from 9 am -12 noon at the Fisher Auditorium will be our new Wayne County 4-H Project Fair and Open House hosted by the Country Acres 4-H Club. We appreciate Marie Marty and the members, advisors, and parents of Country Acres for their work in organizing this new event and hope you will attend and promote it to others as well. This will be a great opportunity for current members to learn more about different projects and what is involved in completing them as well as an opportunity for potential new 4-H members to connect with a club.
I would also like to take this moment to thank four special 4-H teens that have helped advocate for Extension and 4-H funding recently with our state policy-makers. Adam Schuller and Hannah Miller accompanied me to our OSU Extension Legislative Luncheon at the Statehouse in Columbus a few weeks ago and Victoria Devore and Jacob Studer pictured above joined us for an in-depth 2-hour Legislative Visit with State Senator Frank LaRose and State Representative Ron Amstutz in Mid-February at our office.
Don’t forget 4-H enrollments are due to the Extension Office by April 1st at 4:30 p.m. and thanks for all you do to make the best better.
Douglas S. Foxx
Extension, Educator,
4-H Youth Development