CFAES Give Today
OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

August 29, 2023 - 10:05am --

Monday, September 11

Packables and Snackables - Melinda Hill, Ohio State University Extension, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator
Will provide ideas on how to prepare foods for quick and easy packed lunches and after-school snacks. She will address nutritional needs, food safety, and tips for making packed meals hassle-free and fun for the children.

Meet The Wilderness Center's Ambassador Animals
The Wilderness Center of Wilmot will be bringing Zea, a red corn snake, and Gus, an Eastern box turtle.

Pottery Demonstration - Adam McVicker, Wayne County Center For The Arts

The Ease of Herb Growing - Olivia Lang, owner of Happy Hens Farm
Will talk about how to grow herbs conveniently in your backyard, how to keep these plants happy and healthy with minimum inputs, and how herbs add a home-grown taste to your meals.

Insect Adventures with the United Titanium Bug Zoo from the Ohio State University Wooster Campus - Jeni Filbrun, zookeeper and program manager, and Carrie Elvey, community outreach specialist
Will bring some of Ohio's native insects from the zoo, and Erick Martinez, an OSU graduate student studying entomology, will share tips on creating an insect display.

Tuesday, September 12

So You Think You Want A Greenhouse - Jeannine Snyder, Ohio State University Extension Master Gardener
Will talk about what people should know before they set up a greenhouse.

Eagles Among Us - John Lorson, Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District program manager
Will tell the story of the near demise and spectacular resurgence of the bald eagle in Ohio.

Making of the Murals - Kristin Lorson, local artist
Will share what inspired her to create the murals for the Buckeye Agricultural Museum and Education Center in Wooster. Kristin has done all interior and exterior art and mural work for the center and will share the process of how the artwork came together.

Overcoming Genealogy Roadblocks - Deborah Kitko, Wayne County Public Library genealogy librarian
Will talk about some issues that can hinder genealogy research.

Top 10 Good and Bad Bugs In Homes and Gardens - Andy Michel, associate dean and director of the CFAES Wooster Campus and entomology professor
Will discuss some of the most common bugs ound around homes and gardens. Learn how to correctly identify them and how you can encourage the good bugs to stay and the bad bugs to go away.

Wednesday, September 13

Consumer Scams and How To Avoid Them - Danielle Murphy, Ohio Attorney General's Office
(This event is not sponsored by the Ohio Attorney General's Office. The Ohio Attorney General's Office does not specifically endorse or recommend OSU Extension Wayne County, or any products or services affiliated with OSU Extension Wayne County)

How To Put Your Garden To Bed - Martha Belden, OSU Extension Master Gardener

Quilt Show and Tell - Tree City Quilt Guild
See beautiful quilts by the Tree City Quilt Guild and learn about quilting techniques.

Keep Your Heart Happy, Eat Heart Healthy - Rita Abboud, Wooster Community Hospital dietitian 
Will review the cornerstones of heart health, including self-assessment, interactive visual aids, and fun dialogue.

Thursday, September 14

How To Garden For Mason Bees - Lee Horrisberger, OSU Extension Master Gardener
Will explain how research supports the importance of the solitary mason bee in pollination. She will discuss the bee's life phases and how building bee houses could help benefit your backyards and gardens while rewarding you with a new generation of bees each spring.

Seven Proven Benefits of Houseplants - Mark Wiest, OSU Extension Master Gardener

Water Quality and Plants - Gary Horrisberger, OSU Extension Master Gardener
Will compare data using city water, rainwater, and well water and explore whether it matters what water you use to water your plants.

Taking The Mystery Out of Coneflowers - Paul Snyder, Secrest Arboretum Operations Manager and Master Gardener Coordinator
Will talk about the arboretum's three-year evaluation to determine the best coneflowers for our area.

Yard and Garden Chemical Safety - Frank Becker, Ohio State University Extension, Agricultural & Natural Resources Educator

