The 2015 Ohio Sheep and Goat School will be offered as a webinar series throughout the state. The webinar series is sponsored by OSU Extension and the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association (OSIA). Wayne County will once again be a host site for the school with additional sponsorship from the Ohio Heartland Sheep Improvement Association (OHSIA).
The Sheep and Goat Webinar series will be offered on Monday evenings in February. The program will run from 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm each evening. Sign-in before the program will begin at 6:30 pm each evening. In Wayne County, the webinar series will take place in room 130 of the Research Services building located on the OARDC campus in Wooster, 1680 Madison Ave.
The theme of this year’s school is “Tips for Productivity Improvement”. Presenters and topics include:
Date |
Topic |
presenter |
February 2 |
Tips for Fine-Tuning your Flock/Herd FAMACHA Program |
Clif Little, Extension Educator, Guernsey County |
February 9 |
Tips for Managing Major Sheep and Goat Diseases |
Dr. Eric Gordon, OSU Veterinarian |
February 16 |
Tips for Reducing Feed Losses from Silage and Hay |
Dr. Bill Weiss, Ohio State Animal Sciences, OARDC |
February 23 |
Tips for Improving Lambing and Kidding Percentages |
Dr. Susan Schoenian, University of Maryland Small Ruminant Specialist |
Pre-registration is requested to help plan for the number of handouts and refreshments, but registrations will be accepted at the door. The cost of the 2015 sheep and goat school is $20/person or $25 per farm unit which includes up to 2 people from the same farm. The registration deadline is January 29. An informational flier and registration form is available on the Wayne County Extension web site at:
For more information about the Sheep and Goat school webinar series, contact the Wayne County Extension office at 330-264-8722.