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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

July 31, 2017 - 9:47am -- Anonymous

Fertilizer Applicator Certification

Senate Bill 150, which requires any fertilizer applicator, private or commercial, that applies commercial fertilizer to more than 50 acres to obtain fertilizer certification, goes into effect on September 30 of this year. As of the end of May of this year, more than 16,000 fertilizer applicators across Ohio have obtained fertilizer certification. Up until this point, the requirement to become certified meant attending a two or 3-hour certification class taught by OSU Extension Educators.   Beginning in 2018 there will a test option to obtain certification.   Most applicators prefer taking a class rather than taking a test.  With that in mind, the Wayne and Holmes County Extension offices have scheduled a last chance fertilizer certification program on Thursday, August 31 at Fisher Auditorium on the OARDC campus in Wooster.  The program will run from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm.  There is no charge to attend the certification program, but pre-registration is requested to help plan for handout materials and seating arrangements.  Pre-register by calling the Wayne County Extension office at 330-264-8722 or by email to Lisa Parker, Wayne County Extension office assistant at   An informational flyer with more details is available on the Wayne County Extension web site at:

New Edition of Ohio Agronomy Guide Available

The recently revised, 15th edition of the Ohio Agronomy Guide, bulletin 472 is available through the Wayne County Extension office.  In addition to chapters on Soil and Water Management, Soil Fertility, Corn, Soybean, Small Grain and Forage Production, Pasture and Grazing Management, three new chapters have been added to this edition.  Those chapters are Cover Crops, Conducting On-farm Research and Precision Agriculture.  The cost of the bulletin is $16.75.