CFAES Give Today
OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

February 29, 2016 - 7:56am -- Anonymous

A solar energy workshop focused on applications for agricultural and rural business will be held on Thursday, March 10 in the Food Agricultural and Biological Engineering (FABE) building on the OARDC campus in Wooster.   In addition to some of the nuts and bolts of solar energy design and installation, the workshop will cover how farmers and rural businesses can take advantage of federal renewable energy tax credits and the USDA renewable energy program for financial assistance to support projects.  

The workshop will run from 9:00 am until 12:15 pm.   During that time period there will be 7 presentations on various aspects of solar energy presented by OARDC researchers, OSU Extension specialists, USDA specialists, installers from Solar Energy businesses, and farmer users.   Specific topic titles include: Why Solar, Considerations for On-farm Solar Development, Lessons Learned, Rural Energy for America Program, Farm Evaluation, System Design, Installation and Utility Interconnection, A Solar Installer’s Perspective, and Rural System Case Studies.  At 1:00 pm there is an option for interested participants to visit 2-3 area farms that are using solar energy.

There is no charge to attend the workshop but pre-registration is requested.  To register contact Mary Wicks at 330-202-3533 or by email at:   A workshop flyer is available at: Energy.