One of the most common questions I receive is someone calling to ask about a custom rate for some type of farm work whether that be tillage, planting, mowing hay, baling hay, chopping silage or hauling manure. I generally use an Extension custom rate publication to help answer those questions. The OSU Farm Custom Rate publication is published every 2 years based on survey responses from farmers, custom operators, and Ag professionals from around the state. Barry Ward, OSU Extension Production Business Management Leader, coordinates the custom rate survey and is currently seeking survey responses. For those farmers, farm managers and custom operators that have some knowledge of current custom rates charged for work, please take some time and add your information to the survey, even if you only know about one or two operations. We want information on actual rates, either what you paid to hire work or what you charged to perform custom work. One area that Barry needs more information about is silage harvesting. Please contribute any knowledge you have about custom rates for silage harvesting. An on-line option for this survey is available at Just click through the screens and fill out the portions of the survey where you have some information or knowledge of prices. If you prefer to fill out a hard copy of the survey and mail it in, contact the Wayne County Extension office at 330-264-8722 and I will be glad to provide you with a printed copy. The deadline to return surveys is March 31. Thank you for your help.