Ag & Natural Resouces
· The Wayne County Extension IPM scouting program continued. In July, IPM scouts found the first reported and confirmed cases of downy mildew on both cucumbers and cantaloupes in the state of Ohio. The early catch by the Wayne Co. Extension IPM scouts provides a heads up state-wide to other commercial growers as OSU Extension Vegetable Pathology Specialist Sally Miller issues fungicide spray guidelines for growers based on these early cases.
· The ANR educator worked with Scott Ruck, ATI field operations Manager and Mike Sword, OARDC Superintendent of Field Operations, to side-dress dairy manure into a set of replicated corn plots on an ATI field. Glen Arnold, OSU Extension manure management field specialist, provided the use of a 5200 gallon manure tanker equipped with Dietrich injection shanks. Partial funding for the project was provided by a Ohio Farm Bureau Water Quality Initiative grant. The field trial is a cooperative effort between OSU Extension, OARDC, OSU-ATI and Wayne County Farm Bureau. Videos of the manure side-dressing are posted on the Wayne County Extension ANR you tube page at: , and on the Wayne County Extension Facebook page:
· Approximately 150 people attended the Ohio Sheep Day program held at the OARDC Sheep Research facility on July 15. The ANR educator was a member of the program planning committee and co-taught the two “Pasture Walk with the Experts” breakout sessions that were attended by approximately 110 persons.
· The annual dairy twilight tour organized by the Wayne-Ashland Dairy Service Unit was held at Rosedale Farms LLC, located in Ashland County at 2039 TR 405 Jeromesville. Between 1400 and 1500 persons attended the tour. The ANR educator was responsible to help answer questions and explain various management aspects of the dairy operation to persons who walked through the new free-stall barn with the sand lanes manure flush system.
Family and Consumer Sciences
· The FCS Educator taught 3 Food Preservation classes on Canning Basics (11), Basics of Pressure Canning (10) and Freezing Basics (7). From evaluations received almost all of the participants will make behavior changes in preserving their food to make sure it is safe for their families. Other comments shared were: Thank You, I’m not afraid to use the pressure canner now; I learned a lot about safety and how important the preparation of food is for preserving.
· FCS Educator collaborated with co-worker Joanna Fifner to present to first time college students at ATI and their parents. Excel-In is a program to get students off on the right start when coming to college. Joanna works with the youth and I taught a session to the 27 parents on what their role is in getting their child ready to leave home. Evaluations indicated parents will work with students in the area of budgeting and financial expectations along with whether or not to work.
· The FCS Educator served as the superintendent for the 109 in attendance at Family Life Day at the Ohio State Fair and worked with 3 Teen Council youth to organize the judging activities for the 64 Genealogy and 45 Child Development participants.
· The FCS Educator conducted an individual Steps to Home Ownership for Rural Development.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Education (SNAP-Ed)
· SNAP-Ed has begun a collaborative partnership with the entrepreneurship students at the College of Wooster, People to People Food Pantry, Local Roots and A Whole Community. We have been asked to provide the nutrition education piece to their Harvest Share program.
· Our summer youth programming is winding down – so far this summer we have made nearly 2700 educational contacts with youth in Wayne County providing them with hands-on experience in preparing and sampling healthy snacks packed with fruits and veggies.
· Our new senior programming at Creston Station Apartments is successfully growing and we have been requested to continue the healthy eating series with seniors and adults throughout the coming year.
· Program Assistants Sara Meeks and Raquel Segura endured the heat by providing an educational program for Wooster Healthy Living Kids Day in the Park where over 400 youth packed the park for a morning full of activities based on becoming more physically active.
· 274 youth completed a more than 1,400 Skillathon stations over the course of three evenings in which they demonstrated their animal science knowledge. The skillathon stations were staffed by more than 130 volunteers.
· 161 youth, teens, and adult staff participated in 4-H Jr. Camp in which the 4-H Educator and 4-H Program AssistantS provided leadership to teens serving as camp counselors and adult volunteers. Youth engaged in numerous activities including archery, canoeing, fishing, crafts, kayaking, rock climbing, human foosball, giant connect four, gaga ball, zip line, high ropes leadership initiatives, nature studies, line dancing, shooting sports, swimming, scuba, and traditional camp activities like campfire and singing songs.
· 37 youth attended the 4-H Dairy Clinic where they studied for Skillathon, were given advice and showmanship tips from this year’s judges, and practiced their skills hands-on with several heifers. This event is essential to providing first-year and younger members a taste of what to expect come fair time, and a chance for parents and exhibitors to ask questions they might have leading up to fair. We also enjoyed a nice treat of cold milk and ice cream, courtesy of your local dairy farmers!
· 16 Ohio 4-H Sea Camp Counselors and Adult Staff learned about Recognizing and Reporting the Signs of Child Abuse among many other topics presented during counselor training at Kelleys Island 4-H Camp. In addition to teaching the counselor training sessions, the 4-H Educator also oversaw counselors and adult staff throughout the 5-day camp and provided leadership by serving as camp program director.
· 24 teens learned about safe driving habits at our CARTEENS session held this month.