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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Wayne County 4-H / Jr. Fair Text Alerts

Wayne County 4-H and the Senior Fair Board have partnered together to provide text messaging alerts and updates for the 4-H and Junior Fair programs. Youth, parents, volunteers, other family members, alumni, auction supporters, and anyone interested in keeping up-to date with our 4-H and Junior Fair programs are encouraged to sign up for the various text messaging alerts. Alerts / updates will be sent as needed throughout the year.  Simply follow the instructions below to sign up for the various text groups you are interested in for reminders and other updates. 

To join any of the lists below – simply send a text message to 855-678-0137 with the keyword for the list you want to join.  You will need to send a separate text for each list you want to join.  Also, note that if you later decide to text “stop” to remove yourself from a particular list you will be removed from all of the Wayne County 4-H / Junior Fair Text Lists and will need to re-add yourself to any lists you wish to remain on. 

Wayne County 4-H / Junior Fair Text Alert Lists / Keywords 

Text the keyword to 855-678-0137 for the lists you want to join

Text Group / List Keyword
General 4-H and Jr. Fair Updates WCJF4HUPDATES 
Wayne County 4-H Volunteers  WC4HVOL 
Ashland-Wayne County 4-H Jr. Camp  4HCAMP25
Wayne County 4-H Cloverbud Camp  CBCAMP25 
Beef Projects  WC4HBEEF
Building 10 – Still and FCS Projects  WC4HBLDG10
Dairy Projects  WC4HDAIRY
Dog Projects  WC4HDOGS
Goat Projects  WC4HGOATS
Horse Projects  WC4HHORSES 
Poultry Projects  WC4HPOULTRY
Rabbit Projects  WC4HRABBITS 
Sheep Projects  WC4HSHEEP
Swine Projects  WC4HSWINE
Junior Fair Auctions  WCJFSALE