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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Given our current grain crop market situation, grain storage is an important component of a marketing strategy.  Grain storage always involves moisture management.   Below are links to some grain storage articles and publications that deal with temporary grain storage options, general grain storage and management of stored grain.  Take appropriate safety measures and recognize the risks and potential dangers of working with stored grain.  Check out the grain bin safety information links provided.  If you have questions or need more information, please contact the Wayne County Extension office at 330-264-8722.

Grain Drying Challenges for 2019 Crop:  Article by Kenneth Hellevang, North Dakota State University, published by Progressive Farmer

Temporary Grain Storage: North Dakota State University publication AE-84 by Kenneth Hellevang

Grain Drying: North Dakota State University publication AE-701 by Kenneth Hellevang

Grain Storage: Climate Inside the Bin:  Article from South Dakota University Extension

Keeping Grain in Good Condition Through the Winter: October 2017 Purdue Pest and Crop Newsletter article

Grain Bin Safety:

Grain Bin Safety: University of Illinois article

Grain Storage Do's and Dont's: South Dakota State University article

Safe Ways to Enter a Grain Bin: Nationwide Insurance publication