Pesticide License Testing 2023
OSU Extension Wayne County has set up testing dates with the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) for the 2023 year to allow private and commercial applicators to obtain a pesticide applicators license.
To obtain a license, applicators must take and pass a core exam plus one or more specific category exam(s).
Please contact ODA for the current cost of a private and/or commercial applicator license.
-ODA personnel administer the tests and all testing will take place at the Secrest Welcome Center, 2122 Williams Road on the Ohio State-Wooster Campus.
-Exams are administered from 10:00 am until 2:00 and 8:00 pm until 3:00 pm on the following dates:
- Monday, January 23
- Monday, February 27
- Monday, March 27
- Monday, April 24
- Monday, May 22
- Monday, June 26
- Monday, July 24
- Monday, August 21
- Monday, September 25
- Monday, October 23
- Monday, November 27
- Monday, December 18
There are a limited amount of spaces available for each testing session.
Once the spaces are filled, the testing session is closed.
Register to reserve a spot online at, or by phone to the ODA Pesticide Division at 614-728-6987, then press 1 for pesticide licensing.
Anyone taking an exam will be required to show photo identification or some form of identification.
Private applicators are encouraged to obtain study materials from the Wayne County Extension office before taking the exam. In addition, some study materials are available on-line. More information about study materials for private pesticide applicators is available on-line at .
Persons testing for a commercial applicator license should also obtain study materials before the exam date. Study materials are sent by mail from the Ohio Department of Agriculture when an application for a commercial pesticide license is made. More information about the commercial license procedure is available on-line at .