Organic Matter Key In Soil Health - Here Are Signs To Look For
When it comes down to being able to measure or assess soil health, there are a variety of ways it can be accomplished
When it comes down to being able to measure or assess soil health, there are a variety of ways it can be accomplished
August 29, 6-9pm, Fisher Auditorium, OSU Wooster Campus
If you haven’t taken any soil tests on your pastures recently, especially in the last four years, then now is a good time to do it
As alfalfa stands break dormancy and begin growth growers should make plans to take some time to evaluate the health of those stands and determine if there was winter injury. Rory Lewandowski, retired ANR Educator for OSU Extension – Wayne County, compiled these helpful guidelines for evaluating alfalfa stands for winter injury.
Spring is finally here (well, kinda of). The first day of Spring is past us and the outside temperature is slowly warming up! It almost time to start planting our vegetable gardens for the year. If you are new to gardening, I’ve listed some tips and tricks to help you be successful this year.